Friday, May 27, 2011


Me at the end?
Am I no longer anything?
IS THIS THE END? Ohhhh. End of class… End of the year, and end of my high school career….
Sad day. Well, I met amazing people. I really did. I still cannot believe this is it. I know I want it all to end but a huge chapter in my life is over. I may never see people I love now so dearly, I cannot believe how simple it is that they are not going to be in my life anymore. I don’t care what people say I am going to try my hardest for the people who I grew so close to to stay in my life. Like VIVI!
She’s sitting right next to me in accounting as I type this final blog. She watched me do so many. Every Friday in accounting… she knows, she actually reminded me a couple times to do it! This is why I love her; And what about Lety? Yeah, Mr. McCarthy that Lety. Isn’t she adorable? She’s so cute she is one of the only people I will actually miss from here… from class of 2012. Her and Kamille. Back to Vivi though. I think I am going to meet up with her once a week and eat breakfast with her at Nuevo Leon. Haha. We do always look up food in accounting… yummm.
I am definitely going to miss Vanessa. It’s weird how we grew close toward the end of the year. I mean come on. Really? I’m going to steal her away from José every once and a while and go shopping with her. Haha.
Me. I think I am the same, I never change. Maybe I do I just don’t notice. I know I can stay true to my roots and hopefully the only changes will be for the good. But philosophy made me think, and I like that.

Omg this is it… BYE :D
This is actually really sad… 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Prospective Philosophy Kid.

No, I am one hundred percent kidding.
I must admit though, I walked into this class thinking “oh hay. It’s senior year, philosophy, hey there blow-off”. Then the first day: BAM. I had a reading to do. I was not prepared for that. I was so confused. So for one, do not walk in thinking you can get away with doing nothing. And be prepared for these blogs. I grew to love them. Mostly because I get to ramble because I know only Mr. McCarthy reads them, and no one likes listening to me ramble in the first place. Haha.
Be prepared to actually think. In philosophy there is no right and wrong answer. It is all your perception and really digging deep into the text or movie, or whatever you may be doing. You cannot expect the answer to come and pop out at you, which I admittedly expect sometimes. Sometimes it is really, for lack of better word, trippy. You do not realize you can think that deep, at least I didn’t think I could do that.
Some of the books you read in this class are, woo, interesting. They will not be easy reads; you will actually have to take some time on them, but some of them are actually worth it. I got to say though… I did not like How Soccer Explains the World. Sorry McCarthy. But others, like Malcolm X were actually very intriguing.
The best part of this class though, is McCarthy, not to suck up. He is. He brings a character to this class. An open, flowing discussion can actually take place. It’s nice it’s nice. Gooood luck guysss.

thoughts on when i was a shorty.

I used to think that my toys would come alive when I was not looking… thank you Pixar.
I used to think that the sky was a different color in everyone’s eyes.
I used to think my dad was a superhero because of the long hours he worked.
I used to think the guy on the Pringles container would eat what was left in the tube, which is why I always left some in there.
I used to think everyone got a fairytale story with a fairytale ending.
I used to think I could sing really well. I was sadly mistaken.
I used to think Jasmine from Aladdin was Mexican, until I went to Mexico. Again, sadly mistaken.
I used to think babies came from storks.
I used to think ten dollars could buy me the world.
I used to think all in the world was good.
I used to be scared of the Quaker guy… thank you nickelodeon.
I don think these things anymore… well most of them. It is a phase that one grows out of. One experiences things and grows up. But everyone still has a little kid in them that gets crushed when they realize toy story was just a movie, the Pringles guy isn’t real, and Dad is just an insurance salesman. One makes memories and experiences life for its reality, the only think we can do with this superhero-less life is live it out to the fullest. We can make our own new grown up irrational beliefs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I could be wrong… but this may have to do with the book we’re reading. Possibly the movie we’re watching too… I don’t know, I’m just guessing… hahaha.
These poor souls in the looney bin. Chief is this silent man, simply an observer in this world of cuckoos. He has to wonder why he’s there. Why do these people pick at him and prod him for not speaking. Because he’s “deaf and mute” that trickster chief... he’s a clever man. But of course he’s not the crazy one is he… is he?
McMurphy… that’s our culprit really. He’s this pretty insane guy. Pretty much against the world, independent, wondering why he’s at this place. This place with true cuckoos. This life, he cannot imagine why anyone would want this. But there are people there voluntarily. That’s the epitome of crazy, well that’s McMurphy. The “cuckoos” cannot imagine why he doesn’t want to be there. Your life has this schedule. Nothing is really unknown. Nurse Ratched makes their lives what they’re supposed to be. McMurphy doesn’t understand this; he rebels so the “cuckoos” think he’s the crazy one.
But in reality, isn’t everyone the cuckoo one? Ha. No matter how normal you think you are, someone thinks you’re the crazy one. And that’s okay!
Believe me.
It’s the story of my life… this “Surrounded by cuckoos but I was the crazy one” topic. My family… craziest people I know, yet they always look at me as if I am the crazy one. I guess it really depends on your perception on, well, everything. Besides… a little crazy never hurt anyone.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

tu y yo ;]

When I think of together, I think of closeness, and when I think of closeness I definitely think of my family. My family is probably the best part of me, yes of me. Not just a cousin, or one of my brothers, or a single parent, or even a tia or tio. I love every single one of them and they each made a part of me, each one of them has made me who I am today. Even the bad parts were somehow influenced by them. For instance cursing in Spanish is definitely a trait I picked up from my grandpa and my mother, especially in situations, like around kids, when swearing is not exactly appropriate. My smart mouth, well I can thank my brother and Tia Silvia for that. The constant shopping and that compulsive buyer mentality are from my Tia Clarissa and my Tia Stefana. The need to clip out a coupon every once in a while de mi Abuelita. I feel as though my biggest competitor is myself, I always need to beat myself, not necessarily other people… just myself. Haha. That is one hundred percent a trait from my dad. We cannot stand to lose against ourselves. We are our biggest competition, because we are just THAT gangsta’. God, I love my family…
Together, together we can make the world whatever we want it to be but everyone has to be together… which is why the world would never be perfect. Every single tiny or big person cannot unanimously decide on something, which is why sadly there will probably never be peace or an end to hate.
But, together we can try to stop it ;] hehe.

'sta sola.

Loneeeeeely I’m so lonelyyyyyyyy,
I have nobodyyyyyyyyyy,
To call my owwnnn, OWWNNN
I’m so loneeeeely, I’m Mr. Lonelyyyyy
I have nobodyyyyy,
To call my owwnnnnnn.
Isn’t everyone a little lonely, I feel as though everyone at one point in their life feels alone, feels like singing Lonely by Akon. It is just one of those things; everyone gets just a little down every once in a while. You have to find those people who just will not leave you alone.
Personally, I hate being alone... publicly. I am definitely one of those people, who cannot eat in restaurants alone, or go to the movies alone, really anything. Even going to the bathroom with a big group of people is a tricky situation. Some would say I have a problem; I like to believe I’m just socially dependent. HAHA. Maybe I do have problems, but I do like my time alone, and believe me, I can make myself laugh, I would have no problems, but I do enjoy the company of people. Believe me though, I could completely have a blast all by myself. There are days where no one loves me or wants to hang out with me, and I will have a perfectly fun night all by myself, hanging out watching movies, but that cannot happen too much, I would probably drive myself insane. Haha.
I worry about people who feel so alone, like they have nobody to turn to. I would so be there for anyone who needed me, even if I didn’t know them, I would hug them and day it’ll all be okay. I hate to think there is anyone out there who feels so alone.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Earth? What's wrong with it?

Save the Earth!
Recycle all you can. Don’t drive anywhere, come on bike to work! Don’t use paper or plastic when you shop for your groceries, use those reusable bags. If you must drive, gas up on that biodiesel. Do not under any circumstance use paper plates! No matter how big that barbeque is going to be. If you’re feeling really inspired to be “green” get a solar panel and put that bad boy on your roof to power your house.
Realistically, very few people are going to make such a drastic change to their lives to “save the earth”, I know these changes don’t seem too drastic, but how much damage is made from using paper plates. Millions of people have barbeques on a beautiful Saturday. Half of them in our own neighborhoods it seems. If all these families or parties got a pack of 50 or 100 paper plates for this one Saturday… well that’s a lot of trees.
I think in the end, the problem is many people don’t care. That is so unfortunate! When will people notice? When there is no earth? Only when it affects their lives will anyone notice. That is our society, selfish. Sucks.
Society and the Earth is an abusive relationship…
Earth loves you more, but you don’t care. Slowly deteriorating its soul, or itself because it is so depressed you don’t love him or her… depending on what you like… slowly you guys will break up and you’ll both be depressed… maybe.
That was pretty good… I’m just saying.